Tidal Lagoon Cardiff

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project. For a list of all advice issued by the Planning Inspectorate, including non-project related advice, please go to the Register of advice page.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, to record the advice that is given in relation to an application or a potential application, including the name of the person who requested the advice, and to make this publicly available.

Enquiry received via meeting
response has attachments
Project update meeting
Please see attached meeting note

25 April 2017
Tidal Lagoon Power - Alex Herbert
Enquiry received via email
response has attachments
s51 advice following a “Request for s51 advice on TLP’s approach to consenting compensatory habitats” from Tidal Lagoon Power
See attached document comprising the Planning Inspectorate’s response, the original request and associated correspondence, which deals with further questions

17 February 2017
Tidal Lagoon Power - Sian John
Enquiry received via meeting
response has attachments
Project update meeting
Please see attached meeting note

14 June 2016
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff - Alex Blake
Evidence Plan meeting
Please see attached note

19 May 2016
Tidal Lagoon Power
Enquiry received via meeting
response has attachments
Meeting with Tidal Lagoon Cardiff
Please see attached meeting note

24 November 2015
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff
Enquiry received via meeting
An inception meeting was held to discuss Tidal Lagoon Newport (TLN). During this meeting a query was raised by the applicant in respect of Tidal Lagoon Cardiff (TLC) regarding Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Water Framework Directive (WFD) Assessment.
The Inspectorate advised the applicant that s51 advice was being provided in relation to the HRA for TLC (and to a lesser extent WFD assessment processes) and would be available on the website. The possible need to make an IROPI case was discussed. The Inspectorate advised that, if this were the case, it would be necessary to pass the ?no alternatives? test in order to proceed to this stage, and therefore TLN should ensure clear, comprehensive information is presented on the alternatives considered for the development.

17 April 2015
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff - Michael Baker
Enquiry received via post
response has attachments
Advice given on HRA, WFD and Evidence Plan information submitted with Scoping Report
Please see attached

17 April 2015
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff - Tessa Blazey
Enquiry received via meeting
response has attachments
Project inception meeting with the Applicant
Please see the attached meeting note

08 December 2014
Tidal Lagoon Power