North Wales Wind Farms Connection

Enquiry received via phone

North Wales Wind Farms Connection

04 March 2015
SP Manweb - Claire Duffy


I?m looking to discuss SP Manweb?s approach to our Book of Reference and Consultation Report following our due diligence check on the s42 PILs list and the BOR. We have identified three minor inconsistencies.

Advice given

We discussed the inconsistencies between the current BoR and the s42 PIL consultees. As we agreed, re-running the statutory consultation would reduce the risk to acceptance, but SPM may submit the application without this at their own risk. If this approach is taken, the Planning Inspectorate recommend that identified discrepancies are fully explained with mitigation measures. One such measure, which I did not suggest on the phone, is to write to the affected parties (where appropriate to personal circumstances) outlining the situation and how they can protect their interests. If you do write to these parties, please record this in the consultation report.