Mona Offshore Wind Farm

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Received 05 May 2024
From Robert Parry


MONA OFFSHORE WIND LTD SECTION 56 PLANNING ACT 2008 DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER PLANNING INSPECTORATE REFERENCE NUMBER EN010137 I am one of the owners of plots 06-101, 06-102, 06-103, 06-104, 06-105 and wish to object to the proposed cable route on the following non exhaustive grounds: 1. The Promoter has failed to consider all reasonable options for power transmittal methods – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 2. The Promoter has failed to consider all reasonable route options that would score equally well in its BRAG report – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 3. The Promoter has failed to consider a combination of different power transmittal methods and reasonable route options that would score equally well in its BRAG report – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 4. The current power transmittal proposals will not cater for the full generation capacity of Mona Offshore Windfarm leading to a bottleneck in the power supply. This also curtails the capacity for future upgrades. This would not be the case in the event of different transmittal methods and better route selection or a combination of both – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 5. Locally the land take is extremely excessive and this could be significantly reduced by different transmittal methods and better route selection or a combination of both – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 6. The land has special value to us and future proposals over other land locally and cannot be replaced – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 7. Requests to consider alternative arrangements have been brushed aside with little or no consideration by the Promoter. There is little or no regard for the impacts on us which is very unfair – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 8. The scheme, certainly to the extent that our land is concerned, has been designed for the convenience of the Promoter and also minimising their costs in order to maximise their return on investment rather than on the basis of there being a compelling case in the public interest overriding the harm done to us as the impacted landowners – Evidence will be adduced at Inquiry for this. 9. In addition to consultation failings and lack of any meaningful sincere engagement beyond the minimum necessary lip service believed to be necessary to secure these draconian CPO powers, the Promoter has sought to discourage and disincentivise proper debate at Public Inquiry by declining to produce hard copies of the documents to statutory objectors. As can be seen from the DCO notice received on 26 March 2024 they will charge up to £7,000 to provide hard copies of their reports and documents. One of the co-owners, my mother is in their late 80’s unable to drive and with vision difficulties and unable to read a computer screen and yet the Promoter expects her to travel to either Llandudno or Rhyl in order to inspect hard copies of the document as the Promoter’s charges for them are simply prohibitive. In addition to the above summary please see formal letter of objection dated 3rd May 2024 submitted by post and email to the planning inspectorate and National Infrastructure Commission. We look forward to explaining the above issues in detail to the inspector at the Inquiry\ Robert Parry
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