Mona Offshore Wind Farm

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Received 22 April 2024
From Margaret Hussey


Outline of Principal Submissions relating to application reference number EN10137 I intend to raise via written representations and if appropriate oral representations concerns about this scheme in relation to the following points:- Site Selection • Suitability • Scale • Environmental and Community Impacts • Change in Character Personal Impact • Visual • Noise • Quality of Life • Nuisance • Health and Wellbeing • Change in Behaviour • Privacy • Vibration • EMF’s • Open Space • Leisure and Play • Light Pollution Cumulative Impacts • National Grid and Awel y M?r • Mares Interconnector Traffic • HGV impacts Ffordd William Morgan and Glascoed Road • Cumulative impacts I also wish to extend and would very much welcome a visit by the inspectors to my property as part of the examination process.