Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Enquiry received via meeting

Mona Offshore Wind Farm

14 February 2023
The Planning Inspectorate - anon.


Mynychodd yr Arolygiaeth Grwp Llywio ar-lein ar gyfer Prosiectau Asedau Generadu Morgan ac Ynni Gwynt Alltraeth Mona. Darparodd y cyfarfod fanylion ychwanegol am ddethol safle, cynnydd arolygon sylfaenol a methodoleg asesu adaregol yr Asesiad Rheoliadau Cynefinoedd (HRA). Rhoddodd yr Arolygiaeth y cyngor a nodir isod. The Inspectorate attended an online Steering Group for the Morgan Generation Assets and Mona Offshore Wind Projects. The meeting provided further details on the site selection, baseline survey progress and ornithological Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) assessment methodology. The Inspectorate provided the advice noted below.

Advice given

• Nododd yr Arolygiaeth y bu trafodaethau helaeth ynglyn â methodoleg asesu adaregol mewn archwiliadau blaenorol o ffermydd gwynt alltraeth, gan gynnwys dadleoli a chyfraddau marwolaethau a ffigurau dosrannu. Cynghorodd y dylid cytuno ar y rhain gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) a Natural England (NE) cyn gynted â phosibl yn ystod y cam cyn-ymgeisio er mwyn lleihau’r perygl y gallent arwain at broblemau posibl yn yr Archwiliad. Os na ellir cytuno, cynghorodd yr Arolygiaeth yr Ymgeisydd i gyflwyno fersiynau amgen o’r asesiad gan ddefnyddio’r paramedrau a ffefrir gan bob parti, gan ei bod yn debygol y byddai hyn yn cael ei geisio yn ystod yr Archwiliad fel arall. • Byddai’r Arolygiaeth yn disgwyl i unrhyw lwybr effaith sy’n symud ymlaen i asesiad priodol gael ei ystyried yng ngoleuni amcanion cadwraeth, yn unol â gofynion y Rheoliadau. Fodd bynnag, mae’r Arolygiaeth yn derbyn, mewn egwyddor, y gallai faint o fanylion sy’n ofynnol amrywio yn dibynnu ar y safle Ewropeaidd/nodwedd gymwys/llwybr effaith. Mae’n synhwyrol ceisio dull cymesur o asesu. • Mae’r Arolygiaeth yn argymell bod yr Ymgeisydd yn cynnwys cytundeb gyda CNC/NE yn ei gais sy’n dangos bod yr arolygon adaregol wedi rhoi ystyriaeth ddigonol i effeithiau posibl Ffliw Adar Pathogenig Iawn ar y poblogaethau sylfaenol. • The Inspectorate noted that in previous offshore wind farm examinations there have been extensive discussions on ornithological assessment methodology, including displacement and mortality rates and apportioning figures. It advised that these be agreed with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Natural England (NE) as early as possible in pre-application stage to reduce the risk of them leading to potential Examination issues. If agreement cannot be reached, the Inspectorate advised the Applicant to submit alternative versions of the assessment using the parameters preferred by each party as it is probable that this would otherwise be sought during an Examination. • The Inspectorate would expect any impact pathway taken forward to appropriate assessment to be considered in light of conservation objectives, in line with the requirements of the Regulations. However, the Inspectorate accepts, in principle, that the level of detail required may vary depending on the European site/qualifying feature/impact pathway. It is sensible to seek a proportionate approach to the assessment. • The Inspectorate recommends that the Applicant includes within their application a demonstrable agreement with NRW/NE that the ornithological surveys adequately took into account the potential effects of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza on the baseline populations.

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