HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 07 June 2023
From lea by Backford Parish Council


CR1 Parish Councils of Backford and Lea by Backford have met numerous times and have highlighted the following issues:- Local engagement has not been completed as discussed by ENI Timeline to be confirmed along with maps of the area with changes to be provided - request made not yet received. Access points proposed are considered to be in appropriate as on country lanes and very close to cottages on station road. The latest map does not show any change to take account of concerns. Small bridge in the first part of station road is not thought to be strong enough to take the weight of heavy traffic into and out of the service area planned - ENI were asked to consider this with highways Cheshire West. Noise and constant movement of heavy traffic next to two 120 year old cottages on Station Road had not been considered carefully enough by planners. ? has consideration been given to the school opening and closing times. ? has consideration been given to the Village Hall which is on Station Road and the usage being affected by road closures which will be frequent. Area around the transition from Mollington in to lea by Backford is a particularly affected area where the pipeline crosses the Station Road and Grove Road which are in very close proximity to both private houses/council housing, some of these houses have elderly persons who have not accessed information on the internet. Access to computers for some people is difficult especially where there are disabilities. Both these roads either have school access or are directly next door to the local primary school and pre school buildings. The length of time the whole project takes will disadvantage the community significantly and the changes made are not helping this. Aesthetically comments can only be assumed as not pictoral future projections have been provided.