HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 22 May 2023
From Nicky Crosby


CR1 As an interested person involved in a group of people with concerns about the HyNet project I wish to make representations about the HyNet CO2 pipeline DCO Climate impacts (ExA written questions 1.5.2) In their Cover Letter, referencing the wider HyNet project, the applicant estimates a projected reduction of 10 million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year by the early 2030s. Can this estimate be justified in the face of: a) the unproven nature of large-scale CCS projects and failure to meet projected sequestration targets? Australian government data shows the Gorgon CCS project (capturing CO2 from extraction of reservoir gas) in Australia emitted over 7.7 million tons of CO2 in 2016-17. The project was initially planned to capture and inject underground up to 4 million tonnes (MT) of reservoir CO2 each year but actually sequestered on average less than 1MT per year. Quest, a blue Hydrogen Shell project in Canada, captured 48% of emitted GHG, well below their projected 90%, and a Global Witness study found that over a 5 year period, overall project emissions (7.7 MT) significantly exceeded CO2 captured (4.8MT). b) the likelihood of long-term escape of sequestered gas. Research into long-term effectiveness and consequences of CO2 sequestration, projecting over 100,000 year timescales shows large, delayed warming in the atmosphere as well as oxygen depletion, acidification and elevated CO2 concentrations in the ocean. Eni’s written response to questions asked at its 2023 AGM indicates that they only guarantee to monitor emissions from storage in Liverpool Bay for 20 years after the closure of the storage site. c) Increasing evidence that upstream emissions of blue hydrogen production are not acknowledged and / or are underestimated. January 2023 Princeton research concluded that as much as five times more methane is being leaked from oil and gas production than reported and that the UK government systematically and severely underestimates emissions in its mandatory reports to international bodies. What methodology does the applicant use in relation to upstream emissions and their claim of CO2 reduction? Environmental Impact Assessment Notwithstanding the applicant using the totality of the wider HyNet project in relation to climate mitigation claims, the project has been separated out from the wider projects and infrastructure which will use and which depend on this pipeline. (See ExA written questions 1.1.6) As such, the applicant may have breached the requirements for cumulative assessment of all environmental factors. The land-based pipeline. Further to the submission by Councillor Andrew Sparrow 6th January. There is a risk of leak from, and rupture of, the land-based pipeline. The 2020 leak in Satartia led to approx. 200 residents being evacuated and 46 people treated in local hospitals. There is risk of brittle fracture and corrosion due to reaction with water, with additional risks from impurities due to transport of CO2 from multiple sources. There are risks associated with repurposing pipelines previously used to transport hydrocarbons. The HSE acknowledges limited experience and safety data in relation to CO2 pipeline development; internationally, regulation and guidance has not kept up with recent interest in CCS systems. How does the applicant’s experience and expertise demonstrate satisfactory mitigation of these risks?