HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 13 January 2023
From United Utilities Water Limited


United Utilities Water Limited (UUW) wishes to register an interest as an interested party in the examination. UUW submitted a detailed response dated 8 April 2022 to the EIA Preliminary Environmental Information Report. We identified a range of issues which need further consideration as part of the determination of the Development Consent Order. The matters included (inter alia): • Our assets and property interests; • Flood risk; • Drainage – foul and surface water; • Geo-technical / geo-environmental including any impact on the groundwater environment and water resources; and • Water supply requirements. Whilst dialogue has occurred with the applicant, we do not have the required information in response to the matters raised in our submission of 8 April 2022 to definitively address these matters. Assets and Property UUW have a number of significant assets and property interests including large diameter trunk mains, water supply mains, raw water mains, sewers and gravity sewers within the Order Limits. These assets include the Dee aqueduct which are critical to water supplies within our area. Whilst issues around Assets and Property have been discussed, UUW is concerned that there has been no detailed review of our assets by the applicant and we are therefore unable to confirm that our assets will be adequately protected from the proposed development. We have reached a stage where UUW require a formal instruction and associated funding to progress any design and estimating works. In the absence of this instruction, the applicant carries a risk of not knowing the nature / cost of the works and the associated delivery timescales that will be required to ensure our assets are protected. Work relating to our assets could necessitate work outside the Order Limits which could have implications for delivery both in terms of costs and time. UUW will require appropriate protective provisions to be agreed as part of the DCO process to ensure that our assets are adequately protected and to ensure that a range of impacts are considered and addressed by the applicant as outlined in our submission of 8 April 2022. Drainage UUW is concerned that no detailed foul and surface water drainage plans have been reviewed as part of the DCO application although we note recently submitted information which we are in the process of reviewing. Therefore it has not been possible to assess the impact on our sewer network to date. Flood Risk Whilst initial discussions regarding flood risk have been held, we request that the applicant instructs us to formally review flood risk in more detail. This would relate to a range of flood risk matters including sewer and reservoir flood risk and whether any works to watercourses could affect our existing outfalls. Geo Environmental In our previous submission, we requested that the approach to the assessment of the impact on the groundwater environment is considered as part of the DCO application and agreed with UUW. This has not been discussed in any detail with the applicant and therefore remains an outstanding matter. Water Supply The applicant has not confirmed whether any water will be required from UUW either during the construction process or during the operational life of the development.