HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 12 January 2023
From Fisher German on behalf of Exolum


Please see an extract from the Objection letter sent in relation to this project. Our Ref:NSN/CH/CH/0080/L.1/221514/AP/SW Your Ref: Hynet-s42-07022022-2911804 23rd February 2022 For the attention of Martin Currie Liverpool Bay CCS Ltd Eni House 10 Ebury Bridge Road London SW1W 8PZ NSN/CH/CH/0080/L.1/221514/AP/SW Hynet-s42-07022022-2911804 Confirmed location: 342229 371481 Dear Sirs/Madam Exolum Pipeline System Ltd – Objection – Planning Application Location: Between Ince near Stanlow and Flint and between Flint and Point of Ayr Terminal. Thank you for your consultation dated 7th February 2022. We confirm that our client Exolum’s apparatus will be affected by your proposals as indicated on the attached plan(s). The plan(s) supplied are intended for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for excavation or construction purposes. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of the information provided and in order to verify the true location of the pipeline you should contact Exolum to arrange a site visit. It appears from the plans submitted by the applicant that their proposed development is to be constructed within close proximity to Exolum apparatus. Such works would require consent from Exolum and, in this instance, consent would not be granted as the proposed development would restrict access to the pipeline, both for routine maintenance and in an emergency situation. We must therefore object to the planning application. My client must be consulted to ensure the proposal has no impact on their apparatus. Their contact details are: Central Services Email: [email protected] Ashdon Road Tel: 01799 564101 Saffron Walden Essex, CB10 2NF When contacting Exolum, please quote our unique reference 221514, which is specific to this enquiry. Please note that you should contact Exolum within 28 days of the date of this letter in order to validate this enquiry, otherwise it will become void. You should note that the interests of the Exolum are conserved by means of the Energy Act 2013, in particular Part IV of the Act, and other legislation such as the Pipeline Safety Regulations 1996. It is, however, the Energy Act 2013 that prohibits any development and most intrusive activities within the Easement Strip without specific consent from Exolum. Exolum’s Easement Strips are 6 metres wide and can incorporate other associated Exolum facilities. Exolum will be able to provide guidance on the required procedures for entering into a Works Consent and provide confirmation on permitted development and intrusive activities. The whole process of obtaining a Works Consent can take between four and six weeks depending on circumstances at the time of application. To reiterate, you should not undertake any work or activity without first contacting Exolum for advice and, if required, a Works Consent. For a copy of Exolum’s Standard Requirements for Crossing or Working in Close Proximity to Exolum Pipelines, please visit https://lsbud.co.uk/wpcontent/ uploads/2021/10/lsbud-standard-requirement-uk-um.pdf. This will provide you with practical information regarding the legislation that governs the Exolum. You should also be aware that landowners and third parties have a duty of care not to carry out any works that have the potential to damage Exolum apparatus. This duty of care applies even if the works themselves are situated more than 3 metres from the pipeline. Examples of such works are mineral extraction, mining, explosives, piling and windfarms. Please note that implementation of any unapproved work that affects the Exolum Easement Strip may result in serious consequences in terms of health and safety, expense and other attendant liabilities. In such cases it is the perpetrator of the act, together with any other promoting organisation, that shall be held fully accountable for any resulting damage. Should you require any further assistance regarding this letter please contact the undersigned or alternatively, you can contact Exolum using the details provided above. Yours faithfully FISHER GERMAN LLP For and on behalf of FISHER GERMAN LLP (Exolum’s Authorised Agent)