HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 11 January 2023
From Christopher Reeves


I have no objection to the proposed Hynet Carbon Dioxide pipeline. My concern is to do with the route that an access road is proposed to be taking to reach a pipeline site along an existing road and across a field which adjoins my property. The new "road" may be a temporary one but it will run literally within a stone's throw from my property boundary. My concern is what vehicles will be using the road and the effect these vehicles may have on the noise levels and air pollution in the immediate vicinity. My second point is the suitability of the existing road (Redacted) for increased levels of possibly heavy goods vehicles during the laying of the pipe and possibly after if the new"road" is to be used after for e.g. maintenance. Station Road is a moderately busy road linking the A41 at Backford to the village of Mollington and then eventually leading to the A540 Parkgate Road. Much of the length of this road is barely 16 feet in width which means two HGVs would struggle to pass each other without decreasing speed considerably. The local Council Waste collection lorries stop the traffic when they are in operation in the villages. The entire length of Station Road has no speed limit. Much of it has no footpath. There is one section of this road within 100 yards of the proposed site entrance which involves a blind bend on a hill which has no footpath, not even anywhere for a pedestrian to step off the road onto a level surface to be safe from potentially large vehicles approaching from both directions. I have witnessed many occasions where cars almost collided in circumstances where they would not see each other until they were within a few yards of each other. The same situations with HGVs could be very dangerous particularly where a pedestrian is there and there is nowhere for drivers or pedestrians to go to avoid injury/damage. The road is also used twice a day for a school run for (Redacted) in Mollington. I would just like any decision with regard to the route to be examined closely as other options are available.