The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.
HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline
Received 11 January 2023
From The Coal Authority
“The Coal Authority is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. As a statutory consultee, the Coal Authority has a duty to respond to planning applications and development plans in order to protect the public and the environment in mining areas. Further to the notification received 09 December 2022 from Liverpool Bay CCS Ltd seeking the views of the Coal Authority on the above, I have reviewed Drawing No. HYNET-WSP-VES-XX-DR-GI-0757 Revision 1 (Pipeline Location Plan: Ince to Talacre. I can confirm that parts of the project site fall within the Development High Risk Area as defined by the Coal Authority. Within the specific parts of the site (detailed below), there are recorded coal mining features present at surface and shallow depth which should be considered as part of future development on the site. These features pose a potential risk to surface stability and public safety. The application is accompanied by Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA) (D., revision A (Environmental Statement – Volume III) prepared for the project by WSP UK Limited. The Report has been informed by an extensive range of source of historical, geological and coal mining information. Having carried out a review of the available information, the Report informs that only some sections of the pipeline corridor are affected by former coal mining activity. The report notes that in some cases there are recorded shafts or adits present near the pipeline corridor. We hold treatment details for some of these features but for others there are no records available of what treatment, if any, has taken place. The Coal Authority is of the opinion that development over, or in close proximity to, mine entries should be avoided wherever possible, even after they have been capped, in line with our adopted policy: We are pleased to note that the report author informs that the pipeline corridor has, where possible, been adjusted to avoid known shafts/adits. The following sections of the current route of the pipeline lie within the Development High Risk Area and the recorded coal mining features present are as follows: SHEET 16 and 17 of 37 - WORKS PLAN REGULATION 5(2)(i) APPLICATION DOCUMENT REFERENCE D.2.4. Specific area: Works No. 35 and 36 [Identified as Area 1 – Mancot Lane to Lower Ashton Hall Lane section 4.1.1 of the CMRA] Our records indicate there are two mine entries (CA shaft ref: 331367-058 and 331367-059); probable shallow coal mining; thick coal seams that may have been worked at shallow depth. The site is also within the boundary of a site from which coal has been removed by surface mining (opencast) methods. In addition, the Coal Authority has in the past been called upon to deal with a surface hazard within the site boundary. The CMRA submitted concurs with our records. SHEET 18 of 37 - WORKS PLAN REGULATION 5(2)(i) APPLICATION DOCUMENT REFERENCE D.2.4 Specific area: Works No. 41, 41D and 42 [Identified as Area 2 – Old Aston Hill road to Northop Hall Section 4.1.2 of the CMRA] Our records indicate the presence of four recorded mine entries (three on-site mine entries: CA ref: 329367-062, 328366-179; and 328366-223 and one off-site mine entry: CA shaft ref: 329367-268. In addition, probable shallow coal mining intersects part of Work No. 41 area (land to the south of Holywell Road / junction of access road to ‘Bellsfield)’; and a coal seam of workable thickness is noted to outcrop at or close to the south western corner (area of Work No. 42) which may have been worked at shallow depths. The CMRA submitted concurs with our records, however we note that the report author states that it is unlikely that unrecorded shallow coal mining has taken place beneath the site. SHEET 19 of 37 - WORKS PLAN REGULATION 5(2)(i) APPLICATION DOCUMENT REFERENCE D.2.4 Specific area: Works No. 57K, 43B, 43A and 57J [Identified as Alltami Brook: Section 5.0 of the CMRA] Our records indicate that there are six mine entries (three on-site mine adits CA ref: 327367-053, 327367-048 and 327367-049) and three off-site adits CA ref: 327366-235, 327366-235 and 327367-234); recorded shallow coal mining; and a coal seam of workable thickness outcrops at or close to the site that may also have been worked at shallow depths. These mining features are present within the area to the west and east of Pinfold Lane and north of Magazine Lane, Ewloe. The CMRA identifies the two mine adits and comments that a geophysics survey was carried out to confirm the presence of these features. The report author states that no indication of the mine adits were found, although a potential void was located in the north eastern corner of the field. However it is noted that due to sight constraints, a full survey was not completed. SHEET 36 and 37 of 37 - WORKS PLAN REGULATION 5(2)(i) APPLICATION DOCUMENT REFERENCE D.2.4 Specific area: Existing Pipeline[Identified as Point of Ayr Section 4.2 of the CMRA] Our records indicate that the zone of influence of a recorded mine entry (CA shaft ref: 311382-011) extends into the red line boundary and the site lies within an area of probable shallow coal mine workings. The CMRA states that the site does not lie within an area of probable historic unrecorded shallow coal mining however there are two recorded mine entries within the site. The Report makes reference to Coal Mining Report ref: 51002948750001, however I have not been able to find this specific Report in Appendix B. Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that this part of the project is the existing pipeline, which is to be decommissioned and then commissioned with a new plant (temporary storage compound). It therefore appears that no changes or new development is being proposed in this area. After reviewing the specific areas of pipeline affected by former coal mining activity, we are pleased to note that recommendations have been made by the report authors for the pipeline routing to avoid these areas where possible. In the event that the pipeline cannot avoid the areas, recommendations have been made within the report that intrusive ground investigations will be required in order to confirm the ground conditions present and inform any remedial measures required to mitigate the risk posed to the pipeline and associated infrastructure. Where recorded mine entries are present, recommendations have been made for these will need to be cordoned off and careful excavation around these areas performed, if necessary, for the pipeline installations. It is noted that the report author states that the zone of the potential shafts should be determined from the Coal Authority’s reports. We consider it would be prudent however for the report authors, or other technically competent persons, to carry out a positional review of all recorded mine entries in order that the best plot positions of these features can inform the cordoned off areas, amended route or the extent of any intrusive ground investigations. We welcome the comments made that unrecorded mining features could be present and therefore vigilance should be maintained during site preparation and groundworks within the identified areas. The intrusive site investigations should be designed and undertaken by competent persons to ensure that these are appropriate to assess the ground conditions on the site to establish the coal-mining legacy present and the risks it may pose to the development and inform any mitigation measures that may be necessary. Permission is required from the Coal Authority Permit and Licensing Team before undertaking any activity, such as ground investigation and ground works, which may disturb coal property. Based on the information submitted, the Coal Authority considers that the applicant has identified the coal mining risks associated with the project site and set out appropriate measures to mitigate the risk that these may have to the development. It is recommended that the measures proposed (Section 6.5) within the submitted Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA) (D., revision A (Environmental Statement – Volume III) prepared by WSP UK Limited to address the risks posed to the development by past coal mining activity are included as requirements of any Order granted for the project.”