HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 08 December 2022
From Brian Cook


The land in question is 1.5 acres adjacent to our property and is basically used for training our dogs on and growing fruit and other small plants (all for our own consumption). On the other side of our boundary there is a farmer's field and it is something that the original owner willed to his granddaughters and it is used purely for hay making once or twice a year. It would appear that the owners of this land are happy to let you run straight through this land. Since purchasing this land we have put in a stock proof fence, a hawthorn hedge, fruit trees and some other trees for the Queen's plant a tree project. It would appear Hynet wish to proceed with running the line through our land. We have appointed Rostons to act as our land agents and we were surprised when they stated we had to lodge this with you. From a commercial view point we feel that carrying straight on with the pipeline for another couple of metres would be far more economical than trashing our land when we feel the farmer on the fields next to us would be very agreeable to any income to be gained from this venture. Having spent time and money getting the land how we want it will be seeking our solicitors assistance for any damages caused especially as it has taken ages draining the land to stop the flooding which may cause the bore holes affecting us. Also Hynet stated they would not cross any land where greater crested newts are. Our local Policeman has categorically stated that there is a conservation order on this land. As for the Hynet project, the hydrogen they wish to produce is far from being green since it relies on Gas to create it??? Surely this is a contradiction to the whole project!