Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

Received 06 July 2022
From Sustainable Cymru


Denbighshire Residents Health - Large Asbestos Water pipe adjacent to the development. Should it be replaced at a cost to RWE safely before the start construction? Who will manage / monitor the disturbance and water testing of the Asbestos Water pipe during construction/ ground works (vibrations etc.) and any future interference via electric magnet. Denbighshire Residents Consultation was conducted during Covid (restricting information access to important community stakeholders, such as the Vulnerable and the Elderly). - Majority of Denbighshire Vulnerable/Elderly residents were not able to go to a group setting to view plans and ask questions - Many not able to use computers to access/view documents online Denbighshire Natural Environmental Impact • St Asaph nature Bridle path access to Resident will be blocked • Established hedgerows will be destroyed to make way for lines and construction access. • Rare Welsh “Ridge and furrow Fields” site will be destroyed • Proposed concrete site abuts a Public Nature Reserve that houses rare and protected Newts, Voles, Bats, Owls, and many other wildlife and fauna. • The other side abuts to Bodelwyddan Castle estate that consist of large ponds and established woods where birds and wildlife breed. • The proposed site is currently on food producing agricultural green land. • Noise pollution: Electric Humming of the transformers and magnetic nuisance impact on wildlife breeding. Future Economic impact to St Asaph Business Park • Regionally significant enterprise site in an area of outstanding natural beauty, offering work life balance and economic, environmental, social and cultural well-being – NOT AN INDUSTRIAL POWER STATION HUB! What will happen to current and future tenants? Expansion to the site will be restricted by a one substation to the East – two to the south and now a proposed super substation to the West. • Substation will take 2 years to build, after which access to the site will be severely restricted.