Register of advice

The list below is a record of advice the Planning Inspectorate has provided in respect of the Planning Act 2008 process.

There is a statutory duty under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008 to record the advice that is given in relation to an application or a potential application and to make this publicly available. Advice we have provided is recorded below together with the name of the person or organisation who asked for the advice and the project it relates to. The privacy of any other personal information will be protected in accordance with our Information Charter which you should view before sending information to the Planning Inspectorate.

Note that after a project page has been created for a particular application, any advice provided that relates to it will also be published under the ‘s51 advice’ tab on the relevant project page.

Advice given between between 1 October 2009 and 14 April 2015 has been archived. View the archived advice.

Enquiry received via email

Hinkley Point C Connection View all advice for this project

18 February 2015
Portbury Parish Council - Peter Cooke


Please see the atttached letter from Portbury Parish Council.

Advice given

Dear Mr Cooke
Thank you for your letter of 17 February 2015 and your offer of the village hall as a potential venue for the Issue Specific Hearing on 22 May 2015.
In accordance with the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 Rule 13(5) The place at which a hearing is to be held shall be determined by the Examining authority in consultation with the applicant?.
When considering venues for an Issue Specific Hearing the Planning Inspectorate and Examining authority take into consideration several factors including: ease of access by public transport; the size of the room needed for the required layout of the hearing; the likely number of attendees; and the car parking requirements. In this instance, the use of the Portbury Village Hall is not considered appropriate for the above hearing, and an alternative venue which meets our requirements will be used. Details of the dates, times and venues of the Issue Specific and Compulsory Acquisition hearings will be provided to all Interested Parties in a letter issued by the Examining authority on or before Thursday 12 March 2015.

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