English versions of our advice notes have been moved onto our GOV.UK site.
Welsh versions of our advice notes are still available on this site.
The Planning Inspectorate has published a series of advice notes that are intended to inform applicants, consultees, the public and others about a range of process matters in relation to the Planning Act 2008 (PA2008). We also publish good practice advice notes and other guidance relating to planning appeals and other casework under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and related legislation. Each item of advice and guidance sets out the general type of casework and/ or the legislation that is applicable to it, and should be read and applied in that way.
Advice notes which deal with the PA2008 process are non-statutory. They are published to provide advice and information on a range of issues arising throughout the whole life of the application process. Although in many cases they include recommendations from the Planning Inspectorate about the approach to particular matters of process, which applicants and others are encouraged to consider carefully, it is not a requirement for applicants or others to have regard to the content of advice notes.