Wrexham Energy Centre

Enquiry received via email

Wrexham Energy Centre

10 July 2013
Mr & Mrs A Jones


E-mail received by the Planning Inspectorate from Mr & Mrs A Jones:
We had a meeting in Marchwiel on 3rd June 2013 about the Pylons.
We strongly oppose the proposed north corridor option. The
infrastructure already exists for the Northern route. The southern route
would destroy the fiscal landscape of on are of virgin countryside.
The Southern route has been in existence since the 1950's and residents
within the vicinity have brought/sold their homes fully addicting the
of the current system -
We in the north purchased our homes without the existence of pylons.
The pylons would also disrupt the bird and wildlife in this area.and
also significant increase in illness too.

Advice given

Thank you for your e-mail dated 10 June 2013 in regard to the above project, please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you. Your e-mail is useful for us to monitor emerging issues in response to a pre-application proposal. As you may be aware, however, The Planning Inspectorate can accept this letter for information purposes only at this stage.
The proposed Wrexham Energy Centre is currently at the pre-application stage and is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in late 2013. I therefore encourage you to continue to contact the developer directly at this stage of the process as this is the best time to influence a project. I am aware that, to date the applicant has carried out informal consultation on this project.
At the pre-application stage of the process, the developer is required to carry out extensive statutory consultation (under s42, 44 and 47 of the Planning Act 2008) on the proposals before submitting their application to the Planning Inspectorate. This involves providing information about the proposal to various statutory and non-statutory bodies and the wider community, and to have regard to questions and suggestions made in order to influence and inform the application ultimately submitted. The length of time taken to prepare and consult on the project will vary depending upon its scale and complexity.
Once the application has been formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate a period of 28 days is given to decide whether to ?accept? the application to proceed to Examination. Part of this assessment will consider whether the applicant has adequately complied with their duty to consult and have taken account of any relevant responses from persons they are required to consult under s42, 44 and 47 of the Planning Act 2008.
I have provided copies of the following Planning Inspectorate Advice Notes which may be of interest to you. These include further information on the planning process.
Advice note 8.1: How the process works
attachment 1
Advice note 8.2: Responding to the developer?s pre-application consultation
attachment 2

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