Hirwaun Power Station

Enquiry received via email

Hirwaun Power Station

27 March 2014
Natural Resources Wales NRW


Email received from NRW regarding various matters on the Hirwaun Power Station scheme, including European Protected Species, air quality and Habitats Regulations Assessment documentation.

Advice given

This application is currently at the Acceptance stage of the Planning Act 2008 process. A decision whether or not to accept the application for examination must be made by 18 April 2014.
Please be advised that the Examining Authority will not have regard to these comments during the Acceptance stage of this application. As such, should the application to accepted and you wish for these comments to be taken into regard by the Examining Authority appointed to examine the application, it is suggested that you re-submit these comments as a relevant representation during the Pre-Examination stage. There will be a minimum period of 28 days to provide these comments. Please note it is for the applicant to publicise the decision to accept its application for examination, and invite anyone who wishes to do so to register with the Planning Inspectorate to make a representation about it.