Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm

Enquiry received via email

Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm

29 September 2011
Countryside Council for Wales - David Hatcher


CCW enquired whether the draft ES for the proposed project would be published on the IPC website, as well as statutory consultee responses to the draft ES.

Advice given

The draft documents will not appear on the IPC website during pre-application as it is the responsibility of RWE npower renewables as developer to publish any consultation documents, including responses that they have received, for the public to view. The developer will provide such information on their website and at public venues. If the application is accepted for Examination, the application documents including consultation reports and responses will be published on the IPC website and at public venue(s) as the project progresses through the consenting process; and information about the documents will be updated on the IPC website accordingly. It is appropriate for members of the public at this stage to be referred to the developer?s website for further information (please see link below).
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The role of the Commission during pre-application is more focused on liaising with the developer to discuss technical issues about draft application documents, but not the merits of a proposed application, and matters regarding consultation procedures under statutory regulations, guidance and ss42, 47, 48 and 49 of the Planning Act 2008. It is not until Acceptance, however, that the IPC will formally assess whether consultation as part of the application has followed the statutory regulations and procedures.

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