Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
Would you be able to clarify the following for me?
1) Regarding a representation published on the website from Chris Davies of Mid and West Wales Fire, could you please either publish alongside this representation, or send a copy to me, of the letter to which Mr Davies has responded? It is difficult to contextualise the representation without this.
2) Could you confirm whether interested parties will get a chance to see the final version of the DCO before the examination period closes? The last draft had a number of track changes, and also queries raised by the Examiner, to which interested parties were invited to respond.
Advice given
In answer to your questions below, Mr Davies refers to the Building Regulations 2012 'Approved Document B 2010' - section 16 Vehicle Access. This is a publicly available document and is free to down load from the planning portal. Here's a link for your ease of reference: attachment 1
You also ask whether the final version of the DCO will be published for comment before the examination period closes. The examination timetable does not provide for a further revised draft DCO to be issued and as far as I am aware the Examining Authority does not intend to issue a further revised draft DCO.
I understand that you've also raised a query on 16 August regarding whether or not the Examining Authority can rely on the MoD having covered their interests fully in their representation of 5 January 2012 and whether it can be concluded that this supersedes their earlier representations to the applicant. As an interested party the MoD (represented through the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)) has had numerous opportunities to make their case to the examination of the Brechfa Forest Wind Farm application examination. The Planning Inspectorate has also spoken to and emailed representatives of the DIO on several occasions to ensure that DIO officers are aware of the relevant deadlines and are able to submit any further representation they may wish to make. To date no further submission has, however, been received from the DIO. Once the examination is closed it will be for the Examining Authority to consider all the material that has been submitted and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State within 3 months of the examination closing.