Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Received 10 July 2024
From Anne Scupham


I support green energy but I have a very strong objection to this proposal as a blatant example of destructive dirty green energy. There has been a flagrant lack of integrity in the devious underhanded approach already undertaken to withold information and mask the proposal, thereby deceiving the residents of Fylde in the very flawed heavily disguised consultation so far. Residents will be greatly adversely affected with a permanent disastrously reduced quality of life in what is a very pleasant and valued largely rural environment. Lower Lane agricultural land is inappropriate for building due to the high water table and the high risk to cause flooding to residential properties. Lower Lane itself is already often under water in places with water up to existing properties. Green energy is the way forward and welcome when properly approached. This proposal is not that, it is a seedy cost cutting cheapest way possible and to hell with the landscape, residents, environment and future NON GREEN plan. We have opportunity to build an admirable future without the need to cause any destruction to what little we already have that is good. I sincerely hope that with the new Government, matters will be conducted with the highest possible intregrity in future with the Companies concerned being held to account to only use the many available brownfield and existing infrastructure options that are available here and at Heysham and additionally made to stay strictly underground with cabling. My interest is because my husband and I are relocating to the area.