Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Received 10 July 2024
From Louise Scupham


I am very aware of the need for, and am an advocate of, methods of green energy production. I understand the overall importance of wind energy, and therefore this project, in the country’s aims to achieve net zero by 2050. What I cannot condone, however, is the proposed locations for the substations and cable routing, and how Morecambe and Morgan and all associated companies have approached this consultation period with deviousness and deception. This project is an example of ‘dirty’ green energy, which proposes to destroy greenbelt and Grade 1 Agricultural land, and irreparably damage the quality of life of the local community, instead of seeking brownfield development sites or modification of existing infrastructure as presented in Fylde borough council’s local plan. The statutory consultation period has been deeply flawed, with inadequate efforts on the part of the Morgan and Morecambe project to inform the appropriate numbers of locals of the consultation period, and showed evidence of predetermined decisions and biased decision making processes. I strongly object and completely oppose development in this area. My objections are as follows; 1. The consultation process has been inadequate, incomplete, and flawed. - The PEIR shows evidence of a predetermined decision on the location for the substations in zone 1 and, a strong bias towards zone 1, flawed methods of decision making, and no concern for the local community. - The RAG assessment has a bias favouring zone 1, with inconsistent, subjective and factually incorrect survey ratings and no consideration to human factors. - The project has not informed the appropriate number of residences of the project and given the chance for them to respond. - The project has grossly understated the visual impact of these substations and during the consultation period has failed to provide any visual representations of the stations or the promised landscaping proposed to reduce their impact. - Project representatives have given conflicting and incomplete information to residents and deliberately misled our former MP. - Project representatives have not satisfactorily answered the concerns and questions of local residents. 2. The location of substations on Lower Lane is unacceptable. Other sites must be found. - The PEIR overlooks Fylde Borough Council’s local plan identifying potential candidate zones not on greenbelt land and didn’t investigate any of these potential locations. - Morecambe and Morgan have made this decision purely on a cost basis and pushed aside environmental factors, the local community and our health, sensitivity for agriculture and wildlife, Fylde council strategy, noise pollution and other critical factors. - The development will irreparably damage the local area. It is far too close to numerous residential properties, nursery, primary and secondary schools. It will adversely impact local amenities, change the character of the area from rural to industrial, compromise safety, and devalue the assets, health, and quality of life of residents. - Regardless of levels of landscaping these substations will be visually appalling. Structures of 20 metres in height are unacceptable for an area where residents have a view of the Bowland hills. - These substations will result in destruction of large areas of green belt and Grade 1 agricultural land, and removal of green space separating villages, which is unacceptable. - Construction poses danger to the lives of children at local schools. - The 3-6 year construction period near to major roads serving Blackpool and Preston will cause prolonged and widespread disruption. - Impermeable constructions in land that holds water WILL increase the flood risks in the wider community as water is displaced, regardless of drainage. 3. Concerns surrounding access to the construction sites. - Must not use any point on Lower Lane to access construction sites, the road is unsuitable. - Must not have plant traffic any route close to a school or nursery school. - Adding construction traffic to an area already suffering from heavy traffic and serving major towns and industries such as BAE. In short, I reject the Morecambe and Morgan proposal to locate substations near Lower Lane, and object to them to the highest degree