Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Received 31 May 2024
From Stena Line Ltd


Stena line operates six passenger and freight RoRo vessels in this area on three separate routes. We have engaged with the developers of the project from the outset and have submitted a commentary on their PEIR, identifying what we consider to be increased navigational safety risks to our operation which is amplified by the fact that there is a potential for three other new offshore wind farms to be constructed right on the course lines of these strategic services. The route which is most affected is our Belfast to Liverpool service which is served by two passenger RoRo vessels, capable of carrying 1000 persons and one freight RoRo vessel. Each vessel potentially transiting twice per daily. We acknowledge that the developer has made some concessions to reduce the Red line boundary after cumulative simulation exercises which have resulted in risk reduction. While this is welcomed there is still a residual increased risk above the current situation which will fall to us as operators to continue to manage for the lifetime of the project. We have further expressed concerns in relation to the increased transit time for the three vessels and the effect this will have on not only our increased carbon emissions along with its associated carbon tax. This will additionally have an effect on our bunker consumption and turn-around times in port. We are happy to continue to explore this with the developer and Planning Inspectorate. Kind Regards Capt Michael Proctor DPA & CSO