Register of advice

The list below is a record of advice the Planning Inspectorate has provided in respect of the Planning Act 2008 process.

There is a statutory duty under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008 to record the advice that is given in relation to an application or a potential application and to make this publicly available. Advice we have provided is recorded below together with the name of the person or organisation who asked for the advice and the project it relates to. The privacy of any other personal information will be protected in accordance with our Information Charter which you should view before sending information to the Planning Inspectorate.

Note that after a project page has been created for a particular application, any advice provided that relates to it will also be published under the ‘s51 advice’ tab on the relevant project page.

Advice given between between 1 October 2009 and 14 April 2015 has been archived. View the archived advice.

Enquiry received via email

Internal Power Generation Enhancement for Port Talbot Steelworks View all advice for this project

06 October 2014
Maurice Bottomley


I simply want to know what Tata are planning for Port Talbot, I have no intention of making a representation.
(Enquiry made via electronic relevant representation form)

Advice given

Thank you for the comments you submitted on 30th September 2014
concerning the Internal Power Generation Enhancement for Port Talbot
The applicant for this project intends to enhance the existing Tata
Steel power station at Port Talbot Steelworks by building two new
boilers (164MWth) and two new turbines (65MWe) which will be housed in a
new power station building with associated new pipework connecting the
proposed new power station to the existing power station.
For further information on the proposed development for the Port Talbot
Steelworks please refer to the project page on the National
Infrastructure website:
attachment 1
as well as the applicant?s (Tata Steel?s) own project website:
attachment 2
As your comments did not include your views concerning the proposed
development, and as per your statement provided, you have not been
registered as an Interested Party for this project.
If you decide that you would like to register as an Interested Party
please submit your views (a summary of what you agree and/ or disagree
with in the application, what you consider the main issues to be, and
their impact) on the project using the same application form as you
completed initially by no later than 11:59pm Wednesday 22nd October
Please find below a link to the Planning Inspectorate?s Advice Note 8.3, for
further information on registering as an Interested Party. You can also
contact the Planning Inspectorate for any further information.
attachment 3

attachment 3
attachment 3
attachment 1
attachment 1
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attachment 2