Events Calendar

Calendar showing key events and deadlines from all projects.

December 2024
















Project: A46 Newark Bypass

Details: Week reserved for any (if required) * Issue Specific Hearing(s) * Compulsory Acquisition Hearing(s) * Further Open Floor Hearing(s) * ASI

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Details: Deadline 4 Receipt by the ExA of: * Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2 (if required) * Applicant’s updated version of the dDCO (clean and tracked) (if required) * Applicant’s update to the Land Rights Tracker (clean and tracked) * Updated Statement of Commonality for SoCG (clean and tracked) * Applicant’s updated Guide to the Application documents (clean and tracked) * Natural England’s first substantive Principal Areas of Disagreement (PADs) update (clean and tracked) * Comments on any submissions received at Deadline 3 * Any other submission from the Applicant * Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme

Details: Deadline 11 For the receipt by the ExA of: * Applicant’s Closing Submissions * Applicant's response to oral submissions made at ISH/CAH/OFH w/c 20 November

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Details: Deadline 5 For receipt by the ExA of: * Responses to ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ2) * Comments on the RIES * Comments on the ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the draft DCO (if required) * Updated Statement of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground * Final agreed Protective Provisions with relevant statutory undertakers * Applicant’s updated Application Guide in clean and tracked versions * Applicant’s updated Schedule of Negotiations and Powers Sought in clean and tracked versions * Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 4 * Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Helios Renewable Energy Project

Details: Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)

Start Time: 20:00:00

Project: Helios Renewable Energy Project

Details: Examination Begins

Project: M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme

Details: The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of six months

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Helios Renewable Energy Project

Details: Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) - on the general principal of the Proposed Development, Environmental Matters, and the Development Consent Order

Start Time: 20:00:00

Project: Helios Renewable Energy Project

Details: Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) - the Applicant's strategic case in respect of compulsory acquisition

Start Time: 20:00:00

Project: Immingham Green Energy Terminal

Details: SoS consultation 1 * Request for comments from all Interested Parties on the Applicant's letter dated 11 November 2024

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind (Generating Station)

Details: Tuesday 3 - Friday 6 December 2024 Dates reserved (if required) for: * Any Compulsory Acquisition Hearing * Any Issue Specific Hearing * Further Open Floor Hearing (if required)

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Byers Gill Solar

Details: Deadline 6 For receipt by the ExA of: * Comments on responses to ExQ2 * Post-hearing submissions including written submissions * Updated Status of negotiations with Statutory Undertakers * Updated CA Schedule (if required) * Updated Guide to the Application * Comments on the dDCO * Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 5 * Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Stonestreet Green Solar

Details: Deadline 1 For receipt by the ExA of: * Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs) * Written Representations * Summaries of all RR exceeding 1500 words * Post-hearing submissions, including written submissions of oral cases * Notification of wish to have future correspondence received electronically * Suggestions for locations for the ASI (if any) together with reasoning * Any further information requested by the ExA Comments on any additional submissions accepted by the ExA * Local Impact Reports (LIRs) * Any further information requested by ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 * Comments on any further information/submissions accepted by the ExA

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Details: Deadline 4 For receipt by the Examining Authority of: * Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if required) * Applicant’s mid-Examination Progress Tracker and update to the Statement of Commonality * Mid-Examination Report on interrelationship with other infrastructure projects * Applicant’s second update to the draft Development Consent Order * Applicant’s second update to the Guide to the Application * Comments on responses to ExQ1 * Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 3 * Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

Project: Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Details: Issue Specific Hearing (ISH6) ISH6 on Environmental Matters and the dDCO

Start Time: 09:30:00

Project: Tillbridge Solar Project

Details: Deadline 3 (D3) For receipt of the Examining Authority (ExA) of: * Comments on any submissions received by Deadline 2 * Responses to the ExA First Written Questions (ExQ1) * Updated Statement of Common Ground SoCGs * Updated Statement of Commonality for all SoCGs * Requests to be heard at Issue Specific Hearings in w/c 13 January 2025 (if required) * Requests by Affected Persons (defined in sections 59(4) of the Planning Act 2008)to be heard at Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) in w/c 13 January 2025 (if required) * Request to be heard at Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2) in w/c 13 January 2025 (if required) * Comments on Local Impact Reports (LIR) * Any further information requested by the ExA

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Details: Issue Specific Hearing (ISH6)(continued) ISH6 on Environmental Matters and the dDCO

Start Time: 09:30:00

Project: Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Details: Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH2)

Start Time: 13:30:00

Project: Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Generation Assets

Details: Deadline 2 (D2) For receipt by the ExA of: * Comments on Written Representations (WRs) * Responses to any written questions arising from ISH1 (if supplied) * Applicant’s Progress Tracker / Statement of Commonality * Applicant’s further update to the draft DCO and EM * Applicant’s further update to the Guide to the Application * Any other updated documents and statements from the Applicant deemed necessary following responses at Deadline 1 (if required) * Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 1 * Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Cory Decarbonisation Project

Details: Deadline 2 (D2) For receipt by the ExA of: * Comments on any further information or submissions received at Deadline 1, including LIRs and WRs * Any comments on the change to the application detailed in Annex B, Item 6, and accepted by the ExA into the Examination * Applicant’s draft itinerary for an Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) and suggestions for any locations for unaccompanied site inspection (USI) * Comments on the draft planning obligation * Any further information requested by ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Helios Renewable Energy Project

Details: For receipt by the ExA of: * Applicant’s suggested locations for site inspections to included suggestions for further Unaccompanied Site Inspections by the ExA and locations for any Accompanied Inspections * Comments on Relevant Representations (RR) and Additional Submissions (AS) * Summaries of all RR exceeding 1500 words * Notification by Statutory Parties of their wish to be considered as an IP by the ExA, where an RR has not been submitted * Notification of wish to have future correspondence electronically * Post-Hearing Submissions, comprising written summaries of oral submissions made at the Hearings held on the week commencing 2 December 2024 * Requests to be heard at future Open Floor Hearing (OFH), if not already heard * Notification of wish to be heard at future Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH). Requests by Affected Persons (defined in section 59(4) of the Planning Act 2008) to be heard at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH)

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind (Generating Station)

Details: Deadline 3 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: * Post-hearing submissions including written summaries of oral case put at any of the hearings during the w/c 2 December 2024 * Comments on the Applicant’s update to the draft DCO * Comments on other submissions received at Deadline 2 * Comments on the Applicant’s update to the Land Rights Tracker * Applicant’s update to the Land Rights Tracker * Comments on the update to the Statements of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground * Comments on draft ASI itinerary produced by the Applicant (if required) * Comments on WRs * Applicant to provide an updated Guide to the Application * An updated version of the draft DCO in clean and tracked versions (if required) * Schedule of changes to the draft DCO (if required) * An updated Explanatory Memorandum in clean and tracked versions (if required) * Applicant’s updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR (If required) in clean and tracked versions * Updated Statements of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground * Applicant’s updated Schedule of Negotiations and Powers Sought in clean and tracked versions * Applicant’s ‘Mid-Examination’ Progress Tracker * Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: A46 Newark Bypass

Details: Deadline 4 For receipt by the ExA of: * Written summaries of oral submissions made at the previous Hearings * Comments on any submissions received at the previous deadline * Responses to any further information requested by ExA From the Applicant * Updated application documents tracker * Updated Land Rights Tracker * Updated dDCO * Updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO * Updated EM * Updated SoCG and SoC * Updated legal agreements, if identified

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Immingham Green Energy Terminal

Details: SoS consultation 2 * Request for the Applicant to provide a further update on any matters that remain outstanding.

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Byers Gill Solar

Details: Deadline 6a * Closing date for CA Regulations Relevant Representations (CA Regulations RRs) relating to change request

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Byers Gill Solar

Details: Deadline 6b * For receipt by the ExA of the Applicant’s Certificate of Compliance under Regulation 9 of the CA Regulations and Consultation Report relating to change request

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: H2Teesside

Details: Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) 3

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Generation Assets

Details: Publication by the ExA of: - First Written Questions (ExQ1)

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Immingham Green Energy Terminal

Details: SoS consultation 3 * Request for comments from Marine Management Organisation and Natural England in relation to the strategic oversight of projects within the Humber Estuary

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Byers Gill Solar

Details: Publication by the ExA of: * Procedural Decision in relation to the change application and whether the change application is accepted. * Timetable to be sent to all additional APs, additional IPs, IPs and any other persons

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: H2Teesside

Details: Deadline 5 Deadline for receipt by ExA of: * Responses to Second Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required) * Comments on any other submissions received at DL4, including any updated dDCO * Updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR in clean and tracked versions (if required) * Applicant’s second update to the Land Rights Tracker (CA/ TP Schedule) * An updated dDCO in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required) * An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required) * An updated Application Guide (Application Document Tracker) (if required) in clean and tracked versions * Update to the Applicant’s Examination Progress Tracker submitted at DL3 * A statement of progress on SoCG that remain outstanding and submission of SoCG completed since DL4 (if required) * Statement of Commonality for SoCG (if required) * Updated tracking documents, if required * Notification of wish to speak at the ISH or CAH scheduled for week commencing 13 January 2025, if any ISH(s) or CAH(s) are required. * Any further information requested by the ExA

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Details: Publication by the Examining Authority of: * Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)

Project: Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Details: Deadline 6 For receipt by the ExA of: * Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if applicable) * Comments on responses to ExA’s further written questions (ExQ2) * Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 5 * Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Cory Decarbonisation Project

Details: Publication by the ExA of: - First Written Questions (ExQ1)

Start Time: 23:59:00

Project: Byers Gill Solar

Details: Publication by the ExA of: - ExA’s Further Written Questions (if required) - Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) and any associated questions (if required) - ExA’s further commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the dDCO (if required)

Start Time: 23:59:00