Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay
Asked how to register as an Interested Party
Advice given
Unfortunately it is not possible to register The Swansea Bay Port Health Authority as an interested party prior to the application being submitted. In order to gain Interested Party status you will need to submit a 'relevant representation' within a period of at least 28 days that will follow shortly after the acceptance of the application (if the application is accepted for examination).
The opening of the relevant representations period would be publicised by the applicant via a s56 notice, which would be a notice placed in one or more local newspapers and in a national newspaper. Obviously it cannot be guaranteed that you would have sight of one of these notices, and so I would suggest that you track the application via the relevant project page on our website (at the link below).
attachment 1
On this page we will notify of the submission of the application, and any important dates going forward, including the acceptance of the application and the opening of the relevant representations period. When the relevant representations period opens a form will be made available on the website that you will need to complete in order to submit a representation and register as an Interested Party.