You can filter the results to show only the items that match your interest.
Documents Published By Stage
Pre Application (6)
Developer's Application (236)
Acceptance (6)
Pre Examination (115)
Examination (1111)
- All Documents
- Accompanied Site Inspection (1)
- Additional Submissions (62)
- Change Request (2)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (8)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) (4)
- Deadline 1 (91)
- Deadline 2 (105)
- Deadline 3 (117)
- Deadline 4 (132)
- Deadline 5 (144)
- Deadline 6 (152)
- Deadline 7 (169)
- Hearing Agenda (12)
- Hearing Notice (4)
- Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (4)
- Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) (16)
- Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (8)
- Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) (8)
- Issue Specific Hearing 5 (ISH5) (6)
- Issue Specific Hearing 6 (ISH6) (12)
- Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) (3)
- Other Documents (16)
- Preliminary Meeting (2)
- Preliminary meeting note (2)
- Procedural Decisions (25)
- Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (2)
- Unaccompanied Site Inspection 2 (2)
- Unaccompanied Site Inspection 3 (2)
Decision (0)
Decided (0)
- EN010137 Regulation 32 third Consultation Response from Ireland - Meath County Council submission
- MNOW - Regulation 32 second consultation response from Ireland
- EN010137 Regulation 32 consultation response from Ireland
- EN010137 - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening
- EN010137 Regulation 32 notification response from Ireland
- EN010137 Regulation 32 notification response from Belgium
- London Gazette Notice
Source | Description |
Other |
Bodorgan Marine Limited (PDF, 14 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Responses to Applicant's Deadline 6 Submissions
Other |
Cefn Meiriadog Community Council (PDF, 46 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission
Other |
Eifion Bibby on behalf of Davis Meade Property Consultants (PDF, 201 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statements
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr AEM Owen (PDF, 207 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statements
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr EW Roberts (PDF, 234 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statements
Other |
Osborne Clarke LLP on behalf of Gwynt y Mor OFTO plc (PDF, 104 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission
Other |
Griff Parry on behalf of Harriet Mary Parry, Robert Wynne Parry, Griffith Wynne Parry and Elizabeth Wynne Wade (PDF, 619 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Summary of Closing Submissions
Other |
Griff Parry on behalf of Harriet Mary Parry, Robert Wynne Parry, Griffith Wynne Parry and Elizabeth Wynne Wade (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Submissions
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Hefin Williams (PDF, 454 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Hearing Action Point 1
Other |
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (PDF, 284 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Final Closing Statement
Other |
Margaret Hussey (PDF, 108 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
Other |
Martyn and Margaret Hussey (PDF, 365 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
Other |
Richard Fearnall on behalf of Michael and Sally Leach (PDF, 179 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 17 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F5.5.1 Environmental Statement Volume 5, Annex 5.1: Cumulative effects screening matrix (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.4 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 4: Onshore and intertidal ornithology (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - D4 Book of Reference F07 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.6 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 6: Landscape and visual resources F01_F02 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 962 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - A5 Application Guide F09_F10 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.7 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 7: Shipping and navigation (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.2 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 2: Hydrology and Flood Risk (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 663 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_21 Response to Shepherd & Wedderburn LLP on behalf of Ørsted IPs D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.2 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 2: Benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.9 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 9: Marine Archaeology (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 599 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_15 Statement of Common Ground between Mona Offshore Wind Project and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D3_22 Mona and Denbighshire County Council (DCC) SoCG (F04)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.6 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 6: Landscape and visual resources F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 45 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 6 - Appendix C (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J9 Marine Licence Principles Document F05_F06 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 948 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_26 Mona and Heneb: Clwyd-Powys Archaeology SoCG (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - C2 Draft Development Consent Order Validation Report F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 13 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.8 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 8: Seascape and visual resources F01_F02 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J26.14 Outline Landfall Construction Method Statement F05 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 415 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_18 Mona and UK Chamber of Shipping SoCG (F04)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 497 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_20 Response to National Farmers' Union D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 40 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 3 - Appendix B (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 468 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J15 Offshore In-Principle Monitoring Plan F03 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 14 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.8 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 8: Seascape and visual resources F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 500 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_7 Response to Cefn Meiriadog Community Council D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 494 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_16 Response to Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr AEM Owen D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.3.2 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part Three: Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites Assessments Annex E1.3.2: Assessment of proposed Ramsar Sites within the Isle of Man F01_F02 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 368 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_5 Cumulative Effects Assessment of Bodelwyddan Solar and Energy Storage Project (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - B6 Crown Land Plan (Onshore) F04
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - D4 Book of Reference F06_F07 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.2.4 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 2.4: Water Framework Directive surface water and groundwater assessment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 28 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 8 - Appendix C (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 616 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - D3 Statement of Reasons F04 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F6.5.7 Environmental Statement Volume 6, Annex 5.7: Offshore Ornithology Assessment of Pen y Gogarth/Great Orme’s Head SSSI Technical Report F02_F03 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 18 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - B5 Land Plan (Onshore) F05
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 472 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_30 Landscape Enhancement Scheme Principles (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.9 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 9: Noise and Vibration (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 430 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_17 Mona and Trinity House SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 483 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_24 Mona Commercial Side Agreements Tracker F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.3 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 3: Fish and Shellfish Ecology (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 780 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.11 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 11: Inter-related Effects - Offshore (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 24 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F8.1.1 Environmental Statement Volume 8, Annex 1.1: Aviation and radar technical report (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.3 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part Three: Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites Assessments F02_F03 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 566 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_11 Mona and Isle of Man Government – Territorial Sea Committee SoCG (F04)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 13 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.4 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 4: Marine mammals (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J18 Outline Offshore Written Scheme of Investigation and Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries F03 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J22 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan F05 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F4.4 Environmental Statement Volume 4, Chapter 4: Human health assessment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J9 Marine Licence Principles Document F06 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.3.2 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part Three: Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites Assessments Annex E1.3.2: Assessment of proposed Ramsar Sites within the Isle of Man F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.1 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part 1: Introduction and Background (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F4.1 Environmental Statement Volume 4, Chapter 1: Aviation and radar (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.1 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 1: Geology, Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.3 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 3: Onshore Ecology F01_F02 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 383 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_10 Initial Statement of Common Ground between Mona Offshore Wind Project and Isle of Anglesey County Council (IoACC) (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F6.8.4 Environmental Statement Volume 6, Annex 8.4: Seascape, landscape and Visual Resources Impact Assessment Methodology (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.5.1 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 5.1: Desk-based assessment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 47 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 7 - Appendix C (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 493 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_14 Mona and Natural Resource Wales (advisory) SLVIA SoCG (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J13 Outline Fisheries Liaison and Co-Existence Plan F02_F03 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J18 Outline Offshore Written Scheme of Investigation and Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries F02_F03 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 519 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_24 Response to Stuart Neil D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 981 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_31 Final Position Statement on Statutory Undertakers and Crown Land (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.3.1 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part Three: Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites Assessments Annex E1.3.1: Offshore ornithology ISAA supporting information (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.5 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 5: Offshore ornithology F04 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F5.4.3 Environmental Statement Volume 5, Annex 5.3: Onshore Crossing Schedule (F04)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 990 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 2 - Appendix A (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 14 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 5 - Appendix B (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 376 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D5_30 Mona and Isle of Man Steam Packet Company SoCG (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J22 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan F04_F05 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J26 Outline Code of Construction Practice F06 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F2.5 Environmental Statement Volume 2, Chapter 5: Offshore ornithology F03_F04 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 705 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_29 Schedule of Changes to Plans (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_18 Response to Forsters on behalf of the Executors of the Late Sir David Watkin Williams Wynn Bt D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F1 Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary (F02) - English
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 587 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - C3 Explanatory Memorandum F04_F05 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 368 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J10 Mitigation and Monitoring Schedule F07 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 467 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J15 Offshore In-Principle Monitoring Plan F02_F03 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 411 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_6 Offshore Ornithology Final Position Paper (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 372 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J10 Mitigation and Monitoring Schedule F06_F07 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.2.1 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 2.1 Flood Consequences Assessment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J26.14 Outline Landfall Construction Method Statement F04_F05 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J26 Outline Code of Construction Practice F05_F06 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 641 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_28 Book of Reference Schedule of Changes (F05)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 640 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_14 Response to Bodorgan Marine Limited D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.3 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 3: Onshore Ecology F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 294 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_32 Joint Position Statement: The Applicant and Stena Line Limited (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.10 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 10: Air quality (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 449 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_23 Response to Martyn and Margaret Hussey D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.8 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 8: Traffic and Transport (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F1.3 Environmental Statement Volume 1, Chapter 3: Project Description F01_F02 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1,005 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D3_23 Mona and Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) SoCG (F04)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_3 All changes DCO F01 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - B7 Special Category Land Plan F04
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_PD_4 Mona Examination Progress Tracker F03_F04 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F1 Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary (F02) - Welsh
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 935 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - A5 Application Guide F10 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.5 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 5: Historic environment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 38 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F6.7.1 Environmental Statement Volume 6, Annex 7.1: Navigational Risk Assessment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 727 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_11 Response to NRW D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 499 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_15 Response to Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Jennings Building & Civil Engineering Ltd (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 489 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_17 Response to Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of MR EW Roberts D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 557 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_24 Mona Commercial Side Agreements Tracker F01_F02 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 498 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_4 Response to ExA request to summarise outstanding drafting points on the Draft DCO (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F1.4 Environmental Statement Volume 1, Chapter 4: Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 332 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_1 Deadline 7 Cover Letter (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F1.1 Environmental Statement Volume 1, Chapter 1: Introduction and overarching glossary (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F1.3 Environmental Statement Volume 1, Chapter 3: Project Description F02 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J2 Planning Statement (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - J13 Outline Fisheries Liaison and Co-Existence Plan F03 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F3.7 Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 7: Land use and recreation (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 42 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F7.6.6 Environmental Statement Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 4 - Appendix B (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 707 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_12 Mona and Natural Resource Wales (Advisory) Offshore SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 364 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_21 Mona and Blackpool Airport SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - C1 Draft Development Consent Order F07_F08 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.4 HRA Stage 1 Screening Report (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_2 Applicant’s Closing Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 996 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_PD_4 Mona Examination Progress Tracker F04 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 436 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_9 Response to JNCC D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F4.2 Environmental Statement Volume 4, Chapter 2: Climate change (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F6.2.2 Environmental Statement Volume 6, Annex 2.2: Water Framework Directive Coastal Waters Assessment (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 819 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_27 Mona and Heneb: Gwynedd Archaeology SoCG (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 260 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_28 Response to the Examining Authority's Rule 17 Letter (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 589 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - C3 Explanatory Memorandum F05 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F6.5.7 Environmental Statement Volume 6, Annex 5.7: Offshore Ornithology Assessment of Pen y Gogarth/Great Orme’s Head SSSI Technical Report F03 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 387 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_16 Mona and Maritime and Coastguard Agency SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 672 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - D3 Statement of Reasons F03_F04 (Tracked)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.3 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part Three: Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites Assessments F03 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - F6.5.5 Environmental Statement Volume 6, Annex 5.5: Offshore ornithology apportioning technical report (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - E1.2 HRA Stage 2 Information to Support an Appropriate Assessment Part Two: Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) Assessments (F02)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 487 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_8 Response to Welsh Government Fisheries Division D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 546 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_22 Response to Rebecca Face D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - C1 Draft Development Consent Order F08 (Clean)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 454 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_13 Mona and Natural Resource Wales (advisory) Onshore SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 422 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_7 Statement of Commonality (F05)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 345 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D1_19 Mona and NATS (En Route) plc SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 367 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D2_9 Mona and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 428 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D2_8 Mona and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Cymru SoCG (F03)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 495 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_25 Response to Cefn Meiriadog Community Council’s response to Rule 17 letter (F01)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_PD_5 Land Rights Tracker (F09)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 939 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_PD_6 Schedule of Changes in Revision F08 of the draft Development Consent Order (F06)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - S_D7_19 Response to Griff Parry on behalf of Harriet Mary Parry, Robert Wynne Parry, Griffith Wynne Parry and Elizabeth Wynne Wade D6 Submission (F01)
Other |
Richard Fearnall on behalf of Mr & Mrs J T Owen (PDF, 215 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr AEM Owen & A Owen Cyf (PDF, 444 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Hearing Action Point 1
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr EW Roberts (PDF, 451 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Hearing Action Point 1
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr G & Mrs M Williams (PDF, 452 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Hearing Action Point 1
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr H & Mrs C Lloyd (PDF, 452 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Hearing Action Point 1
Other |
Davis Meade Property Consultants on behalf of Mr RW Roberts (PDF, 452 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Hearing Action Point 1
Other |
National Farmers' Union (PDF, 230 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission
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National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (PDF, 644 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Response to the Rule 17 Letter Request for further information dated 20 December 2024
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Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 407 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
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SP Energy Networks (PDF, 179 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
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Clyde & Co LLP on behalf of Stena Line Limited (PDF, 106 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission
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Tan-y-Mynydd Trout Fishery Ltd (PDF, 1 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Response to Hypothetical Hydrgeological Risk Assessment Report (HHRA)
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Forsters on behalf of The Executors of the Late Sir David Watkin Williams Wynn Bt (PDF, 145 KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement
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Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP on behalf of Ørsted IPs (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 7 Submission - Closing Statement