Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Received 10 July 2024
From Dr Charles Colston Baylis


As a resident of Newton with Scales village I cannot agree with the proposal to build two sub-stations which will extend the village with an extensive industrial site equivalent to about 13 football pitches. Key Issues are: - 1 A large industrial site is not in keeping with a village in which residents have a reasonable expectation of a quiet, rural life. 2 The planned location lies within the Kirkham / Newton Area of Separation Zone and Fylde Borough Council’s Green Belt. It appears this was not considered when applying the Red, Amber, Green (RAG) colour coding assessment. Note paragraph 6 below. 3 The impact of having the sub-stations near residents’ homes does not appear to have been considered in the RAG assessment. Insufficient consideration is given to the mental health of those living in the locality of such industrial units. It is well known that large sub stations, even when damped/ insulated for noise, can create an irritating humming noise. (NOTE: Even small units such as heat pumps can cause noise pollution). The awareness and reporting of mental health issues within the population are increasing and this is estimated to be having a significant effect on the nation’s economy due to its impact on individual’s lives. 4 There is no resident friendly brochure giving an overview of the windfarm project which includes the building of sub-stations. An artist’s impression of the sub-stations, from many viewpoints, should be available. 5 The information available is detailed and complex, which, I believe, is designed to discourage members of the public gaining a full appreciation of the project and therefore expressing their views. It is also consistent with the developers being made, by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, to find ways of speeding up the delivery of the required energy infrastructure. 6 According to Mark Menzies MP, when he was approached about the proposed windfarm by the developers, there was no mention of sub-stations on the Fylde. This, and the lack of appropriate public information, suggests to me the developers are not being transparent. Fylde Borough Council (FBC) should be protecting their local plan for the area and retaining their independence from corporate influences to avoid the appearance of impropriety. 7 I am aware of the need for developers to identify the lowest cost option for projects. However, as shown above, insufficient consideration has been given to residents of Newton and the impact of the sub-stations on their lives. As the people who will bear the brunt of the impact of this development for many years to come, their needs should be at the forefront of your concerns. END