Fferm Wynt Coedwig Clocaenog
Email enquiry requesting the IPC to supply technical information about the proposed wind farm at Clocaenog forest and answer questions on the scheme.
Cyngor a roddwyd
Thank you for your email received 1 October 2011 about the proposed wind farm at Clocaenog Forest.
The project is currently at the pre-application stage of the development consent process and I recommend that you contact RWE npower as promoter of the project as they are best placed to answer your questions. The developer has recently consulted on the draft environmental statement (ES) for the project ? this document may have the answers to some of the questions you have raised. I include RWE npower?s contact details, a link to their project page and a link to the draft ES for your reference.
Clocaenog Forest RWE npower renewables
Unit 22
Baglan Bay Innovation Centre
Central Avenue
Baglan Energy Park
Port Talbot
South Wales, SA12 7AX
T+44 (0)1639/81 61 80
Email: [email protected]
RWE npower project web pages: attachment 1
RWE npower project draft ES page: attachment 2
During pre-application, the promoter continues to refine the details of their scheme before submitting an application for a Development Consent Order to the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC). At this stage the promoter is also responsible for publicising the scheme and engaging with a range of stakeholders through consultation, subject to the Planning Act 2008 as well as secondary legislation and regulations. The IPC is unable under s.51 of the Planning Act 2008 to comment or give advice about the merits of any particular application, or proposed application. However, the IPC can advise on the process issues and you may find useful our Advice Note 8, which is a step-by-step guide to the planning process for nationally significant infrastructure projects and contains important information for interested persons. In addition, a meeting note for the Stakeholder Event held by the IPC at Cerrigydrudion School Hall on 6 July 2010 is also published on our website on the Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm project page:
attachment 3
If the application is submitted to the IPC, the Commission has a period of 28 days to decide whether or not to accept the application for Examination. If the application goes forward for Examination, there will be an opportunity for the public to register their interest in the project and make a ?Relevant Representation? to the IPC using the prescribed form. The period for making formal representations will be publicised on the IPC website and information about the application documents. Once registered, you can request an open floor hearing and also attend the Preliminary Meeting in which the Commissioner or Panel of Commissioners will set the timetable for examination.
I hope this information has been of some help. Please contact us via the details below if you have any further queries.