Cysylltiad Ffermydd Gwynt Gogledd Cymru

Enquiry received via email

Cysylltiad Ffermydd Gwynt Gogledd Cymru

Denbighshire County Council - Denise Shaw


I write on behalf of Denbighshire County Council regarding the adequacy of consultation request for the project above.
Firstly, can you confirm if the adequacy of consultation request has been sent to only the local authorities, or have letters also been sent to relevant town and community councils? The reason I ask is we have been sent a number of letters from a community council, a local pressure group and the local MP which all relate to the consultation process, and I just wanted to confirm whether or not other interested parties also have the opportunity to comment directly to PINS on this matter.
If it is only the local authorities who have been invited to comment, we would be intending to append these letters to our response to ensure you have all relevant information to assist your decision on whether or not to accept the application.

Cyngor a roddwyd

The adequacy of consultation requests have been sent to the host and neighbouring local authorities, as set out in s55(4)(b) and defined in s55(5) of the Planning Act 2008. This does not include community councils, the Assembly or parliamentarians. In deciding whether to accept the application, the Secretary of State must have regard to the adequacy of consultation representation from the local authority.
You are welcome to append supporting information to your representation such as letters received, but it would be helpful to include interpretation of this material. DCLG Guidance (attachment 1) discusses the Adequacy of Consultation Report (paragraphs 85-89).

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